Household appliances, electronic displays and TVs
When will the new rescaled labels be provided by manufacturers/suppliers and when must they be used in stores and online shops?
- Products placed on the market before and after 1st November 2020 and still placed on the market after that date
- New products placed on the market from 1.11.2020 onwards but sold to end-users only after 1.3.2021
- Products sold on the market already before 1.11.2020 but no longer placed on the market after 1.11.2020 or when a supplier has ceased its activities
- Process overview for household appliances, TVs and electronic displays
Products placed on the market before and after 1st November 2020 and still placed on the market after that date
During a 4 months transition period between 1.11.2020 and 28.2.2021:
- Suppliers must re-register in EPREL a product which has a rescaled label on the basis of the reviewed regulation
- Suppliers must provide the old and new label and product information sheets with new units of products
- Suppliers, on request by the retailers/dealers, must provide the new labels for products in the retailers/dealers stock.
During a 14 working days period between 1.3.2021 and 18.3.2021:
- Old labels on display have to be replaced by rescaled labels.
- Special requirements for displays: the supplier shall either print the label on the packaging or stick a rescaled colour label to the packaging. If a product model at the point of sale is only displayed in the packaging (not taken out of the packaging for display) the dealer must ensure visibility of the label for the consumer.
- Special requirements in case of distance or internet selling: An arrow with the energy efficiency class and the range of energy efficiency classes must be placed next to the product model for any product information provided on the web. The product information sheet must be provided to the consumer on paper or via the supplier`s websites.
New products placed on the market from 1.11.2020 onwards but sold to end-users only after 1.3.2021
From 1.11.2020 onwards:
- Suppliers have to register the product only on the basis of the reviewed regulation in EPREL and must provide the rescaled label and related product information sheet to retailers/dealers.
As of 1.3.2021:
- New products with new rescaled label are shown in stores and online shops
- In case of internet or distance selling see additional requirements as specified above
- For displays see additional requirements specified above
Products sold on the market already before 1.11.2020 but no longer placed on the market after 1.11.2020 or when a supplier has ceased its activities
1.3.2021 to 30.11.2021
- Products may still be sold with the old label during a 9 months transition period.
- No new information to be provided by suppliers.
As of 1.12.2021
- Products with the old label must not be sold anymore
Process overview for household appliances, TVs and electronic displays
Additional requirements
1. In case of distance or internet selling:
An arrow with the efficiency class of the product and the range of energy efficiency classes to be placed next to the product model for any product information provided on the web. The product information sheet to be provided to the consumer on paper or web-based. The detailed requirements concerning implementation of the label for distance and internet selling are extensive and should be taken from regulations (see also references below).
2. Specific requirements for displays:
- the supplier shall either print the coloured label on the packaging or put a sticker with the label on the packaging
- if a product model at the point of sale is not displayed in the packaging (i.e. not taken out of the packaging) the dealer must ensure visibility of the label for the consumer (i.e. the side of the packackging with the label must be visible).